Sunday, March 16, 2008

Somebody's Watching Me!

No, the title does not refer to the popular hit by Rockwell or Michael Jackson and I am not on the verge of paranoia. I am referring to the closed circuit camera that was positioned on me last Tuesday night. I had to spend the night at a local clinic for a sleep study. The Hilton it was not, it wasn’t even equivalent to the Best Western. I have been experiencing severe headaches when I wake up and I rarely sleep through the night. I have been on sleep meds for approximately a year and sometimes those don’t even help. I have gained weight and I have trouble concentrating.

I was preparing to sleep and as I brushed my teeth the water did not drain from the sink, ok no problem, I am only here for one night. I sat on the bed and my nurse informed me she is coming back in to hook up the wires. As the process begins I am optimistic that I will get a good night of sleep. I mean I am without kids and there should be no interruptions. Unfortunately, I was in for a bit of a surprise. I soon have wires connected to my legs, chest and head (a lot to my head). Then I have straps around my stomach and my chest. A tube is running under my nose to determine if I stop breathing. The finishing touch is I have to sleep on my back, which I never do. If I don't they will buzz my room and tell me to roll over. How do you study someone’s sleep when they can’t even sleep?

I spent the entire night waking up, saying “oh s__t, I can’t roll over” and then trying to doze back off to sleep. At 5 am the nurse wakes me up and says in her oh to damn cheery tone “Ok, time to wake up so I can unhook you!” I was so sleepy I don’t remember the drive home. Luckily, I was only about 2 miles away from home.

Does lack of sleep count as a stressor……LOL!


Anonymous said...

A night without kids....sounds so nice. It is a shame that it wasn't! I was kind of cranky the last couple days because I have been attached to a million wires (at least it felt like it)doing a 48 hour EEG. The stupid wires were way too short and everytime I would move this monitor, which happened to be very heavy, my head would be pulled in that direction. They never mentioned that there was a chance of getting whiplash. LOL

Hopefully something was gained from your test.

Oh, by the way, I do believe we have a lot in common and look forward to sharing our experiences and stories!

rockync said...

Ladies, just thinking that there might be an illness that could disrupt your life and your family is a stressor!
I have had sleep problems for years. I never sleep through the night any more, even with sleeping pills. At least I don't have children to deal with in the morning!
It's funny but a couple of times a year, I'll go through an episode of waking up in the middle of the night with a terrible headache and if it happens several nights in a row, I call the doc for antibiotics and pain meds. I already take allergy medication. We have determined that I probably have a sinus infection even though I don't have a stuffy nose or other sinus symptoms. It always clears up; weird, huh?
The weight gain and loss of concentration - have they done a thyroid profile?
I hope both of you get good results.

CC said...

It is funny you said that, rockync,I have thought several times that the headaches felt like sinus but when I went in to the doc he looked for something like that and didn't diagnois it as that.

I really hope they find something but honestly I think Robert wants it more than I do.

Jenn, at least I didn't have to be attached for 48 hrs....uggghhh.

Anonymous said...

We are at opposite ends of the sleep spectrum. I can sleep at the drop of a hat, whether in a Hilton Garden Sleep System bed or leaning against a tree in the middle of nowhere. I have fortunately never suffered the proble of insomnia. I did the same test a couple of years ago and it was just another night for me. Connie will tell you how many times we go to bed and she wants to ask me a question with no luck...I am asleep before the light is gone from the switch being thrown...

I do hope that a cause is found through this test.

Anonymous said...

Urrgghhh! My husband is just like you Robert, asleep before his head hits the pillow. I'm so jealous! How that man manages to sleep the way he does is beyond me.

Oh and thanks Rocky, I'm hoping for good test results for us both!

Hewy Nosleep said...

Hmm. I have heard about those studies but I'm such a light sleeper. I dont know if I could actually sleep under those conditions. Tell us what you find out!