Friday, March 21, 2008

Life is taking over!

Each day I tell myself that I am going to take control of my life and not let my life take control of me. Some days I am very proud of myself for how I handle things. Some days I feel like I have turned loose of the controls and I am just running on auto-pilot.

This week I started a new position at work. I felt very confident at the beginning of the week. Today I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I had plans and ideas of the way I would approach my new responibilities. Unfortunately, it appears my boss is going to be an obstacle. He wants the end result (higher revenue) but he wants me to do it his way. If his way had been working he wouldn't have asked me to work on building my division. So I have to re-evaluate how to work with (or around) him.

Tuesday night I was elected President of our newly formed Civitan Club. It is a honor but it also means a lot of time on top of my new responsibilities at work. I don't want to be the first President and fall on my face.

Robert's mother has been struggling with her health and we got bad news this week. Now we have to redirect our attention and regroup. Aren't we too young to be dealing with the lose of our parents?

As you see, eventful would be a good word to discribe my week. So today I get up with the fair amount of enthusiasm and was looking forward to the busy day ahead of me at work. Little did I know that today would just be the grand final scene of my week. While I was working my 17 year old daughter was babysitting my best friend's 4 year old son, during which he got a cell phone and called someone and told them he couldn't find his parents. Soon the local police department was on the phone and my daughter had to convince them that everything was really ok!

Once that crisis was averted it was time for lunch. Just as my thin crust "The Works" pizza arrives from Papa John's I get another phone call. My best friend calls to tell me that she just saw my 17 year old's boyfriend walk into the local Applebee's with another girl. She had already made the mistake of calling my daughter and asking her about it. Seventeen year old girls do not deal well with that kind of thing, especially my daughter as referenced in previous posts. As the take charge mother that I am I immediately (with out eating first) went straight over to the Applebee's and walked in and patted her boyfriend on the back. To say he was a bit shocked just does not do it justice. He had a bit of explaining to do. I didn't let on that I thought he might be up to something. I wished him and his friend a good lunch and left him to ponder what my next move would be. (Now, you should know that the girl was a friend that my daughter is familiar with. I don't buy his excuse for not telling her that he was going to lunch with her but now I will stay out of it.)

Second crisis averted so the rest of the day should be uneventful, right? Oh ye of little faith! We were slammed at work and I was holding my own. Then I get a text message from Robert. My 15 year old daughter is spending spring break with her younger brother and sister at my dad's farm 3.5 hrs away.The text message was simply "Ashley got thrown from the horse and stepped on". Ok, that isn't something you send by text. It took me 5 minutes to get the rest of the story. She will probably feel like she has been hit by a Mack Truck tomorrow but she is ok.

Thank goodness it is 5:15 pm and I can just go home!

For the first time in years I have the entire house to myself all night because Robert is 2 hours away with his Mother and my kids are with my Dad. The journey home gives me time to review all the stories I now have to share with you. Before I can even finish replaying the events in my head my car finds it way into the grocery store parking lot. A cold beer is calling my name. So here I sit watching The History Channel drinking a beer and eating a bag of microwave popcorn. What am I thinking you ask? Life took control again this week, maybe I will do better next week.


rockync said...

I'm sitting here smiling, thinking of the days and weeks where it seemed like no matter what I did, life was going to be out of control! I think your solution is great! A beer and some popcorn sounds like a plan to me!
I'm reminded of the movie Steel Magnolias when Sally Field is explaining how everyone expects Southern women to be all soft and gracious but that they have to be built of steel inside to withstand the rigors of life.
You are a Steel Magnolia and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I'll be sending warm hugs to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I have found that it is basically useless to try and take control. I've learned that things are going to happen and to just go with it. That was not easy to learn because I like things organized and neat and I am so not a go by the seat of my pants girl!

I also think beer and popcorn sounds good to, although in my case, with all these meds I'm on it would have to be sweet tea and popcorn! LOL

Anonymous said...

There is little control in life, except to make the kids leave the hosue when it is time for baseball, cub scouts, girl scouts, school, birthday parties, etc. Even that amount of control is somewhat questionable.

Secondly, seet tea with popcorn is also questionable. Diet Coke is a necessity with popcorn. Tea will do if there is no Coke in the house, but that is only as a backup plan.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Now your'e beginning to sound like my wife. Life has a habit of hyjacking our days, only this morning Joy (my wife) asked, "do you ever get the impression that life, is pulling us along by the nose"... I prefer a beer and some mixed nuts...